- Menu "Options - Render Options" - Short Cut: + "R".
In this dialog you can plan picture resolution and settings relevant to the realism of the scene.
· | Render Quality
Choose between three rendering algorithms to determine the output quality of your picture calculation
Scanline - Low quality but good for fast animation preview renderings
Raytracing - High quality, real reflections, transparencies with refraction and shadows
Global Illumination - Raytracing and Photon Mapping - With the photon mapping technology the diffuse indirect illumination in a scene and caustic light reflections can be included in the calculation of the picture.
· | Picture Resolution
Select a standard picture format or specify your own resolution
· | Field Rendering
Field Rendering for interlaced video
· | Shading Mode
Several shading options
· | Render Options
Use this global buttons to switch on or off special effects
Lens Flares
Particle Systems
Object Halos
Volumetric Spotlight
Depth of Focus